My internship comes now to an end and here I am packing my bags to go back to Belgium. A paradoxical feeling is crossing my mind: the irresistible desire to see my family again and the sadness to leave a place of which I will keep amazing memories.

« Travel shapes youth » as the saying goes and I can only approve this old proverb. By going out of my comfort zone, I have learnt a lot of things about myself, I have developed new professional skills and finally I have discovered a new country, its history and culture.
Not so long ago I still had doubts about my future : what am I going to do when I am back in Belgium ? I have changed my mind almost every week but the second half of my trip helped me structure my thoughts and focus on what I really wanted. I am now returning to Belgium more determined than ever !
You must be wondering why I am talking about food in the title of my article ? I agree that this may be strange but I am convinced that food can influence our ability to adapt to a new place because let’s admit it… it is never like at home… Thanks to my host family, I have broadened my taste horizons more than ever before. Not only because the British food is different but above all because I was obliged to leave my prejudices and apprehensions behind me when I arrived in Brighton. I think it is important to turn over a new leaf and not to let any obstacles get in the way of our path, whatever the field (food but also work, relationships and so on) in order to be able to fully enjoy each new adventure.
This 10-week-trip has been motivated by two objectives I had set for myself : improving my English and gaining a new professional experience. I am proud to have reached both of them after 70 days of professional and linguistic immersion.
During my internship, I have developed my – previously non-existent – audiovisual skills thanks to the time Big Egg Films’ team has taken to teach me the subtleties of this profession. But to be honest, even after 10 weeks, I am not able to use all the audiovisual equipment and to understand the profession’s jargon. This proves that working in that sector cannot be improvised. Whether you are a cameraman, a photographer, a sound engineer or a producer, you need specific and highly developed skills.

By accompanying Big Egg Films’ team during their shoot days, I had the opportunity to meet amazing people of all ages and from all different backgrounds. The people who impressed me the most were the ones I met during charity shoots such as the BHT Christmas campaign or the promotion video for Ecotherapy because all of them put their heart into defending their cause.
Moreover, for filming purposes, I had to put myself in the shoes of an actress several times for the duration of tests. Big Egg Films’ team often told me with a laugh : « You have never signed for this » but I did it anyway even if it was not an easy task for me. That is why I was always impressed by the ability of the interviewee to speak in front of the camera.
I will finish this article with a quote I really love and which perfectly sums up my British experience :
« Travelling is to enjoy discovering and learning, to realise that all cultures are beautiful and rich » - Tahar Ben Jelloum -
Many thanks to all the people who have contributed to making this trip unforgettable : Big Egg Films’ team, Always Possible’s team (second company I worked for), my host family and all my new friends. Finally, thank you for taking the time to read my last article as marketing assistant at Big Egg Films.

Intern at Big Egg in 2018
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