If you’re thinking about working with us but you’re not quite sure of how we go from storyboard to final product, we’re here to offer some insight into our process.
Let’s take a look at one of our previous projects, our 2018 video for Brighton Housing Trust, as an example. The first step in any successful video is the planning; so we set up a meeting to discuss their aims, audiences and achievables: considering topics such as, who is this for? Why is it needed?
After sitting around a table and chucking ideas around, we spent the next week going back and forth, building up a cohesive idea. Once we had the "Ok" from Andy (CEO of Brighton Housing Trust) and Jo (Head Of Business Development at Brighton Housing Trust) we set off into the pre-production stage: meaning we began storyboarding, scripting and scheduling cast auditions for the shoot.
The result of this process meant that we could transition into production (and subsequently post-production) with a clear understanding of where we wanted to end up. Andy said that it lead to us being “responsive to late changes we [BHT] requested”.
During post-production, we offered three rounds of changes, where they let us know what was working as well as what needed updating or changing. This again was very much a collaborative process.
Adam, Director here at Big Egg Films, said “we're so proud of the project and the money we were able to help raise for such an important cause. It’s clear we make are best work when we care about the thing we are making, and our team really got onboard this time”
This video also won an award at the “Charity Film Festival” picking up a bronze award in the category.
To view the final result for yourselves, watch the vid below:
Ben Lintott
Marketing Assistant
To find out more about what Big Egg could offer you or if you have any questions feel free to email info@bigeggfilms.com.
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