Working to Support Youth Employment Working to Support Youth Employment

Working to Support Youth Employment

We're an inclusive bunch here at Big Egg and pride ourselves in offering internships and work experience opportunities to young people from all backgrounds, including people with special needs, mental health issues, or just in need of a second chance. We work closely with different organisations in Brighton & Hove in order to facilitate this and our aim is to offer paid experience and work opportunities for young people as much as we can.  

For small businesses it is often difficult to offer support to young people in employment so schemes such as 'Kickstart', which is being introduced by the government and provides funding to employers to create new 6-month job placements for young people who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment is welcomed.

Mabel gaining work experience with Ben at Big Egg through mentoring project run by LOOKOUT

We are delighted to have been able to take on new members of staff, all who have been working as interns or on work experience placements with Big Egg.  We are working with them to develop their skills within video production including filming, editing and working on projects with guidance and support from Director Adam. 

Following a work experience placement with Big Egg, Flo now has paid work with us

Ben, Digital Marketing & Content Assistant says: 

"My role at Big Egg is "Digital Marketing and Content Assistant", which basically means that I help to create images, videos and posts for Big Egg's social media platforms. I also help to keep the website up to date and occasionally write blogs. It's been a great opportunity to be given this role, especially during a time where so many other young people face uncertainty about securing a job or being hit hard by the lockdown. 

So far I've been able to gain a ton of valuable experience, from practical, first-hand filming on shoots such as the BHT 2019 Christmas Campaign to more managerial when organising content and scheduling posts. Being able to gain such a wide variety of skills has been amazing for not only building my sense of confidence but also my ability to work independently and enabling me to develop an understanding of so many different roles and responsibilities. I think this also comes as a result of working from home - Big Egg have been very supportive and adaptive to the lockdown; whilst not working in a office felt strange at the start, the communication between the team and regular meetings has helped keep us all on track."

Callum, previous Video Marketing Assistant, says:

"My role is to create content for Big Eggs socials like Instagram, TikTok & more. Working in times like this is very strange, I haven’t personally been in the Big Egg office since February/March earlier this year and have been working from home. The Big Egg team has regular zoom calls to keep the team up to date with what we are all doing. Big Egg definitely helped me gain some new skills during these tough times, working independently being one of them, over the last few months I have been creating content with my own tools from home and this has definitely helped me feel more confident in making content on my own. The best part is if I am ever stuck with thinking of ideas, the rest of the team were there to help me whenever I needed them. It is very difficult to make content at the minute with everything that is going on, so the team being there for me is a massive help. Building these skills at Big Egg will help me to develop my own personal projects in the future. My dream career is to be a music video director/editor and I feel that being confident and independent can definitely help me achieve my dream."

Callum working with Jakub (freelancer) on a shoot, gaining camera skills

They all brought new ideas into the company and it's a refreshing way to work. We're a team who are so open to learning, developing skills, contributing ideas and adapting to new times. 

If you have a video campaign on the horizon and chose Big Egg,  not only be working with a team of highly experienced and creative people, you'll also be helping our younger team members grow, learn and develop their own skills so they can become more confident and continue their road to success.

Charlotte Vivian
Producer (2019-2021)

With contributions from
Ben Lintott
Digital Marketing and Content Assistant 

Callum Wordingham
Video Production Assistant

Flo Boardman
Marketing Assistant

Updated 23.05.22

To find out more about what Big Egg could offer you or if you have any questions feel free to email
Or if you’re interested in working with us, feel free to contact us by calling 07757 765547.
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